Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hannah Montana and Justin Beiber

Oh, kids....

2nd grader: "What is a virtuoso?" (because it was a lyric in our song today)
Me: "It's someone who is the best at music. An expert, like a genius."
2nd grader: "Oh! Like Justin Beiber!"
Me: "No, not really what I had in mind...."
2nd grader: "How about Hannah Montana?"
Me: "Umm, how about Mozart? You guys remember him?"
2nd grader: "Oh! So, would you be a virtuoso?"
That kid got major brownie points :)

2nd grader, after listening to our first song today: "I think that song was a little pitchy...."
Me: "Did you learn that from American Idol?"
Kid: "Yep!"
Me: "Do you even know what that means?"
Kid: "No....."
Me: (commence conversation on what it sounds like to sing flat)

Kindergartener, after hearing me welcome everyone into the room: "Miss M, you have a very loud and very happy voice!"

Yep, that just about sums me up :)

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