Sunday, August 22, 2010

A few gems from my first week of teaching!

Hello all, and welcome to my new blog! This is a place for me to share some of the cutest quotes from the cutest kids. This is my first year teaching elementary school music, and I'm really excited to share my experiences with you.

So here we go! Here's a few from the first week of school:

4th grade girl: "Miss M, I just cannot believe you aren't married, you should be married! You're too pretty not to be married! In fact, you're so pretty, you should be married to a famous person so that he could show you off on tv!"

4th grade boy, after we learned our first song with a rap in it: "Oh man, I wanted Li'l Wayne to do the rap section on this song!"
Me: "Isn't Li'l Wayne in jail?"
Boy: "Well yeah, but they still let him work on his music in jail, I'm sure he could've recorded the rap for you."

1st grade girl: "Are you going to bring your kittens in to meet us?"

1st grade girl: "Your shoes don't match your outfit."

3rd grade boy, responding to needing $2.50 to buy a recorder: "My dad says if I need money, then I should get a job, and then I'll know what it feels like to go to work every day."

That's all I can remember for now! More to come!

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