Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Squiggly Worms and Headphone Notes

My kindergarteners are just too darn cute! Today, I introduced them to a quarter rest and beamed eighth notes. Here's what they said about them:
Girl: "That looks like a weird squiggly worm!"
Boy: "Those notes looks like they are wearing headphones."

Gotta love their imaginations :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hannah Montana and Justin Beiber

Oh, kids....

2nd grader: "What is a virtuoso?" (because it was a lyric in our song today)
Me: "It's someone who is the best at music. An expert, like a genius."
2nd grader: "Oh! Like Justin Beiber!"
Me: "No, not really what I had in mind...."
2nd grader: "How about Hannah Montana?"
Me: "Umm, how about Mozart? You guys remember him?"
2nd grader: "Oh! So, would you be a virtuoso?"
That kid got major brownie points :)

2nd grader, after listening to our first song today: "I think that song was a little pitchy...."
Me: "Did you learn that from American Idol?"
Kid: "Yep!"
Me: "Do you even know what that means?"
Kid: "No....."
Me: (commence conversation on what it sounds like to sing flat)

Kindergartener, after hearing me welcome everyone into the room: "Miss M, you have a very loud and very happy voice!"

Yep, that just about sums me up :)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Only one good quote from the day!
Me, to 3rd grade class: "Would you guys like to hear me sing a real song for you?"
Class: "YEAH!"
Me: "Well, I really like singing the Little Mermaid song."
Boy: "No, not that! Do you know the Batman song?"
Me: "No..."
Boy: "What about Spiderman?"
Me: "Still no. I don't do super heroes...."
Boy: "Aww, man!"

In other news, I think I decided today what I really love about teaching. Yes, I love music, and I like hearing children's voices, and I hope that I am passing on my love of music to them. But it's really just about the kids. The way their faces light up when they see me, the way they call "Miss M!" across the cafeteria, and the hugs they give me as they get on the bus to go home. It really doesn't get much better than that, knowing that you are loved at your job :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A few gems from my first week of teaching!

Hello all, and welcome to my new blog! This is a place for me to share some of the cutest quotes from the cutest kids. This is my first year teaching elementary school music, and I'm really excited to share my experiences with you.

So here we go! Here's a few from the first week of school:

4th grade girl: "Miss M, I just cannot believe you aren't married, you should be married! You're too pretty not to be married! In fact, you're so pretty, you should be married to a famous person so that he could show you off on tv!"

4th grade boy, after we learned our first song with a rap in it: "Oh man, I wanted Li'l Wayne to do the rap section on this song!"
Me: "Isn't Li'l Wayne in jail?"
Boy: "Well yeah, but they still let him work on his music in jail, I'm sure he could've recorded the rap for you."

1st grade girl: "Are you going to bring your kittens in to meet us?"

1st grade girl: "Your shoes don't match your outfit."

3rd grade boy, responding to needing $2.50 to buy a recorder: "My dad says if I need money, then I should get a job, and then I'll know what it feels like to go to work every day."

That's all I can remember for now! More to come!