Thursday, September 23, 2010

Some good ones....

Girl: "I wonder why when you came over here, everyone started doing what they were supposed to do?"
Me: "I dunno, I wonder why that is....?"
Girl: "I think it's because you're magical. And beautiful."
Boy: "Yeah, you are really beautiful!"

Boy: "How come you know how to read Spanish?"
Me: "I've told you before guys, I'm Mexican, that's why!"
Boy #2: "Nuh uh, you're only kind of Mexican!"

Girl: "Do you talk to a lot of boys?"
Me: "You mean students?"
Girl: "No, I mean boys."
Me: "Boys my age?"
Girl: "Yeah!"
Me: "Well kind of, sort of, I guess?"
Girl: "Well then why don't you just pick one and marry him!"

Me: "Someone is wearing really nice cologne."
Boy: "It's me! Come here! Smell me!"
(I smell) Me: "Ah, it is's CK1, isn't it?"
Boy: "Yeah, how did you know?"
Me: "My old boyfriend wears it."
Class: "Aww!"
Girl: "Wait, why is he your 'old boyfriend?'"
Me: "Well, we aren't dating anymore, we're just friends."
Class: "Ohhhhh (sadly)"
2nd Girl: "Why did you break up?"
Me: "I don't know...."
3rd Girl: "You must have been too pretty for him!"

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