Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crying Children

I have a cryer. She is adorable, but man oh man, can she wail. Technically she isn't "mine," but she's taken quite a liking to me. She's a kidnergartener, and thankfully, she doesn't cry in music, but every day at lunch, she bawls. I mean, total waterworks. She misses her mom. And I always manage to find her amidst sobs, hiccups, and a wet face. Well...we're best buds now. She always likes my hugs. And I'm starting to make her laugh! She doesn't understand that I cannot go to recess with her because I have to help in the cafeteria. This normally turns on the eyeball faucet again when she realizes she must go out alone. I've tried to tell her that I miss my mom too, but I think about how awesome my mom is, and it makes me smile, and that she should try the same thing. I'm hoping this tactic will work tomorrow.

I speak fluent child as of late. I see kids at the store, or out and about, and I am instantly drawn to start up a conversation with them. All of these cute kids (and sometimes even the ones that make me want to pull out my fair) have me thinking about babies. My students think I am plenty old enough to have kids and that I should have babies. I told them that as soon as I find a good man, I'll get right on that :)

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