Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pop and Tampons

Girl: "You really like soda, don't you Miss M?"
Me: "Yes, I guess I do."
Boy: "No, you like DIET soda, probably because you don't want to get fat....that would be really bad for you...."
At least he didn't say I was drinking it because I'm already fat!

And, in the cafeteria....
Girl: "Miss M, we found this in the bathroom..." (holds up a tampon)
Me: "Where did you get that?"
Girl: "'Suzy' (pseudonym) and I were wondering what came out of the machine in the bathroom, so we put in a quarter and this came out. We don't know what it is."
Me: "Do either of you....need it?"
Girl: " you?"
Me: "No! But....I'll take it from you!"
Girl: "Okay..."
I promptly threw it away before any 4th graders could ask me what I was holding!

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